Dog Glove  Pet Brush Cleaner

Dog Glove Pet Brush Cleaner

$60.15 $100.25 Save $40


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Brand Name: OLOEY
Model Number: HQF-01
Material: PLASTIC
Gloves Material: Silica gel and net cloth
Size: 2.5 Meter Water pipe

The solution to your shedding problems? You bet. We know you're tired of pet hair all over your clothes and your furniture. We know your pet is not a fan of big, sharp, and scary metal brushes. What's a good pet parent to do?! Keep calm, read on. The Better Peter grooming glove is a gentle-- yet effective-- shedding tool. It's so gentle and effective, we are certain you and your pet will love it. And best of all, it's easy! Just slip the glove on, and pet your cat or dog as normal. That's it!

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